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Canada : le vieillissement de la population

Pourquoi, lorsqu’on évoque le vieillissement de la population, parle-t-on immanquablement des scénarios sombres, des lendemains difficiles, des coûts incommensurables pour notre société? Le pouvoir gris qui prend forme et se structure en notre sein est une réalité tangible; certes, le vieillissement de la population nous forcera à nous regarder, à réexaminer nos modes de fonctionnements, nos politiques et nos mentalités.[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

Chine : Un autre regard sur les personnes âgées

Sur le thème « Vieillir », un concours national de photographies a été remporté par Hsu <span class=SpellE>Kun-lun pour l’image d’une vieille dame mordant dans un cornet de crème glacée. Le prix a été remis hier au lauréat par le ministre de l’Intérieur, Yu Cheng-hsien, au cours d’une cérémonie en l’honneur des générations aînées.   Pour cette manifestation organisée par[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

Lemington Home for the Aged d/b/a Lemington Center: The Oldest Continuously Operated African American Sponsored Long Term Care Organization for the Elderly in the United States. At risk of Closing!

The elderly they serve are the poorest of poor and are dependent on Medical Assistance, which is the state welfare program. Most African American elderly over the age of 70 lack the retirement incomes to pay privately for supportive services which assist them to maintain independence. Just 40 years ago the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed, therefore a 70[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

EUROPE : New Member States play full part in evolving European Social Model

The new Member States will fit into the European social model and, given their labour force reserves and high overall levels of educational attainment, are well placed in the long term to become major drivers of economic growth and social improvement. This is one of the main findings of the fifth annual report on the social situation in Europe, which[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

UK: Sir Derek Wanless to head fundamental review of social care for older people

The King’s Fund has commissioned former NatWest Group chief executive Sir Derek Wanless to carry out a fundamental review into the long term demand for and supply of social care for older people in England.   ;   This report will follow the two independent reviews Sir Derek conducted for the government on future health care spending in the UK[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

UK : Silver Surfers Lead the Way With Internet Banking

Two thirds of over 50 year olds who use the internet are now managing their finances online, according to a new survey from NatWest OnLine Banking, placing silver surfers among the fastest growing internet banking users in Britain. What’s more, 64% of over 70 year old internet users are logging on once a week to check the balance on their[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

Les boomers : excellente cible pour les investisseurs

C’est sans équivoque une bonne nouvelle pour les investisseurs. Un nombre énorme d’industries se développera pour satisfaire les demandes de cette population vieillissante. Sans surprise, plusieurs des secteurs qui s’épanouissent porteront sur la santé. Dans une étude récente, Richard Bernstein, consultant chez Merrill Lynch aux États-Unis, a exploré les divers choix qui se proposent. « Au fur et à mesure[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

Japan : Robots to help the elderly

With an electronic whir, the machine released a dollop of peach body shampoo, a kind of body wash. As the cleansing, bubbling action kicked in, Toshiko Shibahara, 89, settled back to enjoy the wash- and-soak cycle of her nursing home’s new human washing machine.   ;   The temperature is just right, the bubbles are really comfortable, she said, happily[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

Korea : Ageing and Employment Policies

In the face of rapid population ageing and the trend towards early retirement, there is a need to promote better employment opportunities for older people. Much has been said about the need for reform of old-age pensions and early retirement schemes but this may not be sufficient to raise employment rates for older people significantly or to reduce the future[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

US: SCAN Health Plan Forms Geriatric Advisory Board

  SCAN Health Plan announced today that it has tapped six of the nation’s foremost geriatric, clinical and health policy experts to help guide the health plan in its offering of geriatric health management programs to seniors in Southern California.   ;   The newly created geriatric advisory board, unique in its composition and charter, will review programs currently offered[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé