US: New Web Service for Long Distance Eldercare Providers

New Web Service for Long Distance Eldercare Providers




Parent Care is a unique web service that delivers comprehensive national, state and local services to the PC desktops of the country »s seven million remote eldercare providers. They can stop wasting time searching disparate sites and making countless calls for needed information. They can now invest it in well being – their folks » and their own.

The average long distance caregiver misses 2 – 3 days a month from work due to eldercare-related responsibilities. They spend $400 – $700 a month, the equivalent of annual college tuition, to assist their folks but seldom apply for available reimbursements. Some forego promotions and 40% are so stressed they express a need for an eldercare respite. However, with few employers providing assistance, progeny are on their own to find assistance for distant parents.


For about a dime a day, each subscriber receives a personalized home page with one-click access to seasonal information, monthly articles, weekly chats with peers, daily eldercare tips, 24/7 senior news, access to free prescription medication programs, rebate forms and checklists to enhance parents » future safety and independence.

The monthly articles are written by experts in their respective fields (e.g., preventing slips and falls, relocating parents, long term care insurance). After reading the articles, subscribers can e-mail questions to the author.

Links to hometown newspapers, local Better Business Bureaus (for service provider background checking), videos and senior friendly products are also provided. By typing in their parents » ZIP Code subscribers receive one of over 3,000 downloadable 8 – 10 page reports that detail services near parents » homes.

« Finding accurate and comprehensive information when caregivers want it can be stressful and time consuming » commented William Gillis, the firm »s CEO. Gillis, who led Charles Schwab »s early online brokerage services, is himself a long distance care provider. « We well understand the needs of long distance caregivers and the frustration of not having those needs met. We invested three years to develop a service that meets their needs », he continued. « Our purpose is to help the progeny of seniors take care of themselves as well as their parents. »

About Parent Care, Inc.
Parent Care specializes in providing information for the daughters and sons of senior citizens. Parent Care, The Parent Care Report and The Parent Care Channel are registered trademarks of the firm.


All of the above text is a press release provided by the quoted organization. accepts no responsibility for their accuracy.



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