Packaging and the 50+ marketplace

What is a package any way? We all know it conveys a product
from point A to point B. Besides the obvious of getting it there undamaged or
not broken, what’s a box supposed to do? That job has changed dramatically in
the last decade. The package has become the “first moment of truth” at retail.
And now, especially it’s going to decide whether someone will by your product,
or not. So you better pay attention to not only what goes inside but what’s on
the outside of the box.


Think about the people who shop. Today’s
consumer is a moving target. You have market trends, demographics and market
niches that are continually evolving at any point in time. If you are not
staying on top of these trends then your product isn’t “connecting” to them with
the right message. That core “message” is one of the most important attributes
of your product
packaging. ;


An intrinsic message can be conveyed in a number of ways.
You can make your product more appealing though a variety of
package applications. Here are a few ideas to consider, compelling graphics, a
complete family of interrelated products, engaging lifestyle photographs, clear
and concise and short instructions and benefits driven statements. All of which
have a subtle “feel good” message for the consumer. It tells them what they need
know or provides information that “connects” them with other satisfied buyers.


Were you aware that women either
influence or make the purchasing decision 85 percent of the time? In some market
sectors its more and in some less, but over all its women that make the primary
purchasing decision. What is going to get her to buy your product?
answer is not what you might think. ;


So first, understand you need to connect
with her on an intrinsic level.
Do you understand why she is making the
purchase? Alternatively, you need to know where she will be
shopping. One thing is for sure, she will be in a hurry. Today’s women are over
worked, time crunched, and busy multitasking. How are you going to help her make
an informed purchasing decision? Make it easy for her to buy and easy to use and
understand and you will have a


Are you aware that the 50 + generation
is the fastest and most affluent purchasing demographic? Did you know that:


· Americans age 50-plus control $7
trillion, or 70% of all US wealth. ;


· The 50-plus group brings in $2
trillion in annual income that they want to and are willing to spend.


· One baby boomer turns 50 every 8 seconds of every day.
Do a little calculating here about this market size. Think of
all the boomers that you know besides me.


· The most common phrase that seems to
satisfy everyone is “active adults.”


Do you know what they want in their product packaging?


Whether you use the word, "boomer,"
"senior over 50," or "aging," this age group doesn’t want to be referred to as
No "over the hill" context. Use words that are not considered
negative. In a recent survey I conducted, the words "golden,"
"aging" and "elder" were disliked.
Sell the 50 + generation the experience and the benefits that come in using your
product or service. Lifestyle issues are important. Boomers expect to live well
and longer so conveying this in your product will create relevance. ;
And don’t forget their eye sight issues too. Bigger
type will satisfy them. As our population matures manual dexterity in opening
the product will also become increasingly important.

It’s trends like this that dramatically
influence product packaging and who will be the primary shopper. Yes, there are
many other important demographics out there but women and 50+
gen. account for a tremendous and lucrative segment of the population. One you
cannot overlook in any product packaging.


So it is imperative to understand what
today’s consumer expects and demands from their product packaging. When a
consumer shops, 70 % of the time they make the purchasing decision in the retail
environment. That means at the store, not before and also means your product is
competing with dozens of like or similar products
for their attention. The clutter and proliferation of competitive products is
almost mind boggling. ;


So even if you have established brand
awareness, is it enough to make your product stand out on the shelf? A quick
note here on branding for seniors: The over 50 population is not brand loyal
contrary to what you might think. They will switch brands if you provide a
superior experience especially at a lower or competitive price.


What makes this problem even more
difficult is that on average a consumer is going to take approximately 2.6
second to make up their mind whether to pick your product off the shelf. That’s
a few seconds of retail sensory overload that going to determine whether or not
your product will sell. So your package better have the right message geared
towards the right audience.


JoAnn Hines
Packaging Diva

All of the above text is a press release provided by the
quoted organization. accepts no responsibility for their

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