US: It’s BoomerTime: Baby Boomers turn 60

Ladies and gentlemen, ITS BOOMERTIME!

Ann Fry, author, speaker and coach, is proud to be one of the first of the Baby Boomers to turn 60. On Jan. 1, 2006, Ann, along with so many others, are going to make 60 the new 40.
“Honey, bar the doors,’ Ann said. “I’m sexier, more energized and more motivated than ever before.” She’s on a mission to teach people to live their best lives, no matter how old they are.

Baby Boomers are a generation of professionals, parents, grandparents, inventors, entrepreneurs, and much more. They witnessed the invention of computers, the Internet, and television.

Ann has just started a new business dedicated solely to Baby Boomers who want to thrive in their sixties. It’s BoomerTime, is Ann’s way of creating a stir among her generation. “We’ll be offering services and products for boomers who want to have a bodacious and fulfilled life.”
“We are a force to be reckoned with because we know who we are, what we want and how to get it,” Ann said.

She is not concerned with Social Security benefit packages and retirement notices. She is a born professional who travels all over the country giving speeches and coaching companies and individuals on how to create a more pleasant, productive workplace.
Ann is issuing a call to her generation to embrace their lives and always include fun and humor in everything that they do. Visit her at to see what resources she has to offer her fellow Baby Boomers.

Ann Fry, MSW is the founder of It’s BoomerTime. She turns 60 on 1/1-06 and is launching this new company for all boomers through 2006. To begin having conversations and to receive a monthly newsletter, go to Call above contact information to set up interviews or meetings.
P.O. Box 300567
Austin, TX ; ; 78703
Phone : 512-342-1077
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