US: Millions of Baby Boomers are in Jeopardy of a Retirement Nightmare

Every eight seconds, another person in America turns 50. That means 78
million retirees (and growing) are in for the shock of their lives. After 60
years of unbridled prosperity, a barrage of crushing changes will wipe out
retiring baby boomers for good – pushing millions of unprepared retirees into

« This isn’t a fear tactic. If you’re not careful, you’ll outlive your retirement
money, » says Christoph Amberger, executive publisher of the Taipan Group, a
financial publishing company who has released the findings of their retirement
report called the « Retirement Rescue Plan. »

The results of the report were shocking, reports Amberger. « Even if you’ve been
maxing out your 401(k), your IRA, have been building up your pension plan, and
your house has tripled in value, you can still run out of money faster than you
think. »

The problem is people are living longer, while saving less money. It’s a new
threat called the « longevity risk. » According to the 2005 White House Conference
on Aging, not only will people soon be living to 100, but they may also live to
reach the « natural cap » of about 120!

« Now add in the fact that in the U.S. personal savings rate – once as high as
11% in 1970 – is less than 1% today and you can see the depth of the problem, »
states Amberger.

Half of American households headed by 50- to 59-year-olds have $10,000 or less
in their 401(k) accounts. In fact, just 21% of workers at all private companies
participate in work-defined benefit plans.

Think the U.S. government will help? Think again! President Bush has declared
that Social Security is « headed toward bankruptcy. » In terms of present net
value, Medicare is running $63 trillion short. Social Security is $8 trillion
short … with expenditures surpassing payroll-tax receipts starting in 2018.

« Most people are aware of problems with Social Security because the mainstream
media and even Congress are paying attention to America’s retirement nightmare,
but very few know how to create a comfortable retirement for themselves, » says

That’s where the « Retirement Rescue Plan » comes into the picture. The Taipan
retirement report details the problem, but also offers solutions. As Amberger
explains, there’s one simple decision that could mean the difference between
running out of money in ten years … or being $2.1 million richer in five years.

Amberger — the author of the book « Hot Trading Secrets, » delving into ways
investors can earn safe profits using scientifically proven trading techniques
— is the executive publisher of the Taipan Group, LLC, a Baltimore-based
publishing company specializing in financial alternatives. He is also the editor
of the free e-letter « Dynamic Market Alert, » offering readers exclusive
investment insights you won’t get from your broker, your 401(k) manager, or from
anywhere else on the Internet. Whether it’s how to protect your retirement funds,
profit from new alternative energy opportunities, or the coming boom in
nanotechnology investments, the global network of experts at « Dynamic Market
Alert » offer you the investment strategies you need today.

For more from Christoph Amberger and his team of experts, visit
You can also contact Jeanne Smith at 410-454-0448, or at
for additional information, or to schedule interviews with Amberger or another
member of the Taipan Group.

Source: Dynamic Market Alert (

All of the above text is a press release provided by the quoted organization. accepts no responsibility for their accuracy.

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