The Baby Boomer Housing Market

How The Aging Of America Will Affect The Economy And The Future Of Home Design

Tuesday, March 7, 2006, 1:00 p.m. EST

David Seiders, chief economist, National Association of Home Builders
Norman Cohen, 2006 chair of NAHB’s 50+ Housing Council and a principal at Camelot/Signature Development LLC in Marietta, Ga.

What are seniors looking for in a home? ; How will their demands alter the building landscape? ; And will this new segment be the driving force that will keep housing a positive force within the national economy? ;

Economist David Seiders and builder/developer Norman Cohen will address these questions and more in their March 7 teleconference. Seiders will share his views on the impact this market will have in the housing industry and to the economy. Cohen will speak from his own perspective as a builder, noting regional buyer trends and today’s most sought-after amenities.

Members of the media will be invited to ask questions at the conclusion of the prepared remarks.
To participate, please call 1-800-860-2442 (toll free) and ask for the “50+ Housing” call.
For more information, please contact Elizabeth Landry at 800-368-5242, ext. 8680, or

All of the above text is a press release provided by the quoted organization. accepts no responsibility for their accuracy.

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