AUS: Applications invited for thousands of new aged care places

The Australian Government is calling for applications from aged care
providers for 7,678 new places available under the 2006 Aged Care Approvals

The Howard Government is calling for applications from aged care providers for
7,678 new places available under the 2006 Aged Care Approvals Round.

Advertisements inviting applications for the aged-care places will appear in
major metropolitan and leading regional newspapers tomorrow. Selected ethnic
newspapers will also carry the advertisement in other languages.

The Minister for Ageing, Senator Santo Santoro, said more than 8,700 new
residential and community aged-care places would be available nationwide this
year. More than 7,600 of these – with a recurrent cost of around $230 million –
will be available for allocation in the 2006 Aged Care Approvals Round.

"The 2006 Aged Care Approvals Round reflects the Government’s commitment to
provide aged care not only in aged care homes, but also to support older people
who wish to continue living in their own homes and communities," Senator Santoro

"The Department of Health and Ageing is inviting applications for 4,585
residential places, 1,926 Community Aged Care Packages and 1,167 Extended Aged
Care at Home packages, including 667 Extended Aged Care at Home Dementia
packages," Senator Santoro said.

"Capital grants of up to $38.6 million are available for allocation on a
competitive basis. These are provided to construct or upgrade residential
aged-care services where the approved provider has a demonstrated lack of
capacity to fully fund the required capital works.

"Following publication of the invitation to apply, prospective applicants will
be able to contact the department’s information line to obtain the necessary
application kit, or download it from the department’s web site."

Senator Santoro said it was vital that Australians be allowed to choose the
level of support they needed as they grew older.

"This latest Aged Care Approvals Round reflects the Government’s commitment to
the principle of choice. It expands the options available to people when they
make decisions about their own futures, including living independently in their
communities," he said.

Media contact: Malcolm Cole – 0408 612 603

All of the above text is a press release provided by the quoted organization. accepts no responsibility for their accuracy.

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