Interview with Philip Walker, founder of

;Can you tell me about CAADE – why it was established and what it has achieved?


CAADE is an acronym for ‘Campaign Against Age Discrimination in Employment’ – shortened to CAADE (rhymes with ‘aid’). ; CAADE was founded in 1988 as a direct result of age discrimination in employment. ; Started from tiny beginnings, without funding, a small number of people agree to stay together and fight the brutal age discrimination metered out at that time. ; As the campaign wound down, those of us who remained decided to influence the government at every opportunity


We were able to establish that their were in excess of two million people affected by Age Discrimination in Employment (ADE) and having studied the law as it pertained to other countries, particularly in the USA, who brought Legislation in 1967 (ADEL), we set down on paper the law as we viewed it, leading with the necessity of Law as being the number one priority when dealing with the difficulties of older workers


Government asked us to go away and prove that age discrimination was the social and financial crisis that we said it was. ; Little did they dream of our abilities. We were able to do this with ease to a point where in 1994 we were able to publish, in detail, the law that was needed to control ADE. ; This is almost word for word the law that is being brought out by government next year (2007)



How is CAADE connected to


Whilst we were active in the campaigning it became very clear that many, many people were suffering from the varying effects of ADE – some even to a state of suicide. ; We converted the Campaign into a Charity in 1992 and spent at least a half of our time counselling and guiding colleagues. ; Amazingly over a period of years we accumulated over one thousand case histories. ; 45-65 is a natural grandchild of all that experience and connection


What was your motivation in starting


To cut a very long story very short, – counselling and teaching people became the basis of ; We considered that on the one hand if we formed an online membership for them we could help them individually and try to make their lives more acceptable. ; Many wanted work, may wanted training. ; We provided a training/Coaching side and developed in the idea of the self management of career-reconstruction. We were also intrigued by the difference in this group of people, who were aged between 45 and 65. ; They were very different people than their forebears. ; They were certainly not middle-aged in the head. ; Due to medical advances we are living longer and we are fitter for a lot longer than our predecessors. ;


It was expensive to run the general club because of lack of funding so we devised the 45-65. com as a membership site so that we could give so much more care and practical help to a group of people that we know like the back of our hand, ; In any online commercial activity the ‘list’ rules and over the years we have developed quite a large LIST. It is silly not to capitalise on it.



How are you promoting the web ;site? ;


Politically we are promoting the grouping as key to the future of the middle ground in British politics. ; It was always the older voters who counted. ; Because of their lack of direct relationship with the ‘recognised older generations, the 45-65 group are A1’s in every sense of the count. ; We also promote them as a large niche that has a spending power second to none and deserving of the best


How would you describe’s objectives?


We call them ‘Young Seniors. ; From the turmoil in Demographics in the West this sub-group of people were socially and politically unrepresented. ; It is our policy to make sure that the government, employers and marketers get to know the strengths and ‘differenced of this [particular] group. ; ; There is nobody but us ideally placed to do these things.


Can you tell me something about ;the web site – ;number of visitors – registered members etc?


45-65 is barely a child site in short socks yet but was twelve months in the planning. ; Though our ranking is quite high it is very early days yet to talk of numbers of visitors registered members etc. but we seem to be well known as associates of CAADE and the partner website AS you know the Search Engines like that. ; A lot of people do no realise that this ranked unpublicised site enjoyed as many as one million hits in a single year with 60,000 visits a day. ; We have built with the same building bricks and to the same traditions and purposes.


What other web sites are competitors to


This is an extremely difficult question to answer as we have no direct competition to the whole website. ; The common depth of the website hails it as a ‘knowledge’ based, high Content website in which we might compete with Age Concern, Help The Aged, AARP and the Pensioners parliament. ; Whereas our commercial side has a number of excellent competitors like who we welcome as primary links. ; We have a list of about a dozen websites whom we keep a wary eye on


The 45-65 age group is approximately 40% of the UK population – is it possible to have a web site that caters for such a large group of people?


The American Market and the UK market are entirely different animals. ; The very nature of Americans when it comes to ‘joining a club’ is entirely different to the UK market. ; Americans like big powerful memberships – none bigger than AARP (some 64 million) – a ‘Moose’ club is not considered until it reaches a million members behind it. ; A similar project was started in the UK in 1988 and they foundered, despite being well funded as we could have already told them. ; Freddy London and Beryl Manchester prefer smaller more exclusive groups. ; Hence the number of men’s and social clubs you can find in any British Town, ;


We can cater for their political needs and at the moment we do., but not alone, we work in conjunction with others like TAEN (Third Age Employment Network) of whom CAADE was a founder member. ; It must be remembered too that 20% of CAADE’s and’s membership is from abroad

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