US : SilverSneakers Fitness Program: Helping Decrease Health Care Costs by Increasing Physical Activity

;The nation’s leading exercise program designed exclusively for older adults has proven to decrease health care costs by increasing physical activity. The SilverSneakers Fitness Program, currently offered in 31 states in more than 1,100 fitness centers and class sites, increases physical activity among Medicare beneficiaries while focusing on this population’s unique health and physical needs.

The award-winning SilverSneakers program, which includes a free fitness center membership as well as customized classes, has proven that the benefits of physical activity for older adults extend well beyond better health, improved cognitive function and increased quality of life. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, increased physical activity could reduce direct medical costs by $77 billion annually (2000 dollars). Inactive adults have significantly higher direct medical costs than active adults, and the costs associated with physical activity increase with age. Unless trends in physical activity change, the impact of lack of physical activity on medical care costs is likely to grow as a result of our aging population.

According to Mary Ferron, HealthCare Dimensions’ (HCD) vice president for health outcomes and economics, « We see a 78 percent reduction in high-risk, sedentary behavior among our members after they join SilverSneakers. Even among those members who were exercising at least twice a week before joining, 45 percent report increasing their level of physical activity by an average of two days per week. Not only does this increase in activity improve the health and well-being of these members, it also helps avoid unnecessary health care costs. »

Despite evidence of the benefits of regular physical activity for older adults, most older adults do not achieve recommended levels of physical activity. The proportion of SilverSneakers members accumulating 30 minutes of physical activity at least three times per week changed from 50 percent to 74 percent, a 48 percent increase, after joining the program.

About HealthCare Dimensions

Tempe, Ariz.-based HCD serves as the cornerstone of AXIA Health Management’s suite of products that strive to improve the health of individuals in specific population segments. AXIA provides comprehensive, integrated health management programs that prevent or delay the effects of disease or injury. SilverSneakers, a unique physical activity, lifestyle and socially oriented benefit program, was designed to encourage Medicare-eligible individuals to increase their levels of physical activity and motivate them to continue to be active. As of July 2005, the SilverSneakers program is offered in 31 states at no additional cost to nearly 1.8 million Medicare-eligible individuals throughout a network of more than 1,100 fitness centers and class sites. For more information, please call 800-295-4993 or visit

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