Revolutionary Approach to Aging by John Agno

From new paperbacks with larger type to bicycles that offer a more comfortable ride, Baby Boomers are powerfully affecting what is available for sale. ;

Boomers are the largest spenders in history and their revolutionary approach to aging is providing a new dynamic in today’s retail marketplace. ; For example, Baby Boomers spend more online than average online users despite comparable incomes, according to a new study from Jupiter Research. ; Jupiter surveyed 1,562 U.S. online users ages 40 to 59 years old for the study. ; 76% of Baby Boomers have made online purchases of products or services.

Historically, the American marketplace has been overwhelmingly youth-focused and disinterested in the 50-plus consumer, noted Ken Dychtwald, a gerontologist, psychologist and corporate consultant at Age Wave. ; The thinking was that the 50-plus crowd was relatively small, frugal and already loyal to particular brands, he said. ;

What makes boomers different from previous aging generations is that they still see themselves as « youthful, vibrant and excited about their futures, » Dychtwald said. ; « It’s a marketer’s dream, » he added. « You’ve got an enormous demographic with money to spend and open to new experiences. »

Source: David Kaplan, Houston Chronicle, August 21, 2005

;About the author : John Agno coaches executives and business owners on how to build their leadership capability. As a certified executive and business coach, he works with men and women who are disappointed with leadership development, who struggle with energizing, exciting and coaching their employees, who are worried about increasing productivity and frustrated with the complexity of doing business in today’s global economy.

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