UK : Carers’ career prospects are being affected by Carers UK

65% of carers believe their career prospects have been affected because of their caring responsibilities, according to a new survey released.

Almost two-thirds (65%) of the UK’s six million unpaid carers believe their career prospects have been affected because of their caring responsibilities, according to the results of a new survey released.


The survey, which canvassed the views of more than 2,900 UK carers – people who look after a friend, partner or relative due to illness, frailty or disability – also showed that an alarming 74% of carers currently in paid employment use their annual leave when they need time off because of their caring responsibilities.


Carers need more flexible working arrangements and the results revealed that an encouraging 70% of carers in paid employment have employers with flexible working practices.


Imelda Redmond, Chief Executive of Carers UK, said « It is vital that the Government realises the important role carers play in the workforce. ; Too many carers are being forced to give up work in order to care when flexible employment policies would enable them to do both.


« While there are some shining examples of good practice, it is crucial that all employers take on board these issues if they wish to retain their staff. Carers need more flexibility and understanding from employers and the employment service, coupled with quality, affordable alternative care services.


« 2.5 million people begin and cease caring each year and for those who give up work in order to care, lack of confidence due to social exclusion and a loss of vital skills can inhibit their return to work which amounts to a real economic loss to the country and to employers. »


Paul Matz, Carers Week Manager, says: « The difficulties that carers face in balancing work and caring are vividly demonstrated by the finding that two out of three carers believe their career prospects have been adversely affected as a result of their caring responsibilities.


« The fact that so many carers also have to use annual leave to carry out their caring role is also very worrying, although it’s pleasing to hear that an increasing number of employers have flexible working arrangements for carers.


« Every carer deserves the opportunity to have a fulfilling life of their own – whether through work, study or leisure activities, and they need the right support and help to be able to do that. The new Carers Act, just implemented in April, gives every carer the right to an assessment of their own needs by their local authority so we hope that, as a result, more carers will receive the help they need. »


Carers Week is an annual event organised jointly by seven UK-wide charities; Carers UK, Crossroads Caring for Carers, Help the Aged, Macmillan Cancer Relief, MS Society, Rethink and The Princess Royal Trust for Carers – to raise awareness of carers and the issues that affect them.


Thousands of events will be taking place this week to reach out to carers in local communities and give them advice on the help and support that is available to them.


The week is supported by a number of high-profile celebrities including TV personalities Graham Norton, Cilla Black, Esther Rantzen, Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen and Gloria Hunniford, actresses Sheila Hancock, Pam Ferris and Miriam Margolyes and actor David Jason.



Carers UK is the leading campaigning, policy and information organisation for carers. We are ;a membership organisation, ;led and set up by carers ;in 1965 to have a voice and to win the recognition and support ;that ;carers ;deserve. ; Carers UK continues to make a difference to carers’ lives. Our work involves :

Campaigning for a better deal for carers. ; Our campaigns are rooted in the experiences of carers, ensuring we speak authoritatively about what needs to change to improve carers’ lives.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Informing carers of their rights and what help is available so that they can make choices about their lives. ; Carers UK is the leading provider of information to carers. ; Our free advice service, CarersLine, receives 50,000 enquiries ;each year.


Training and advising ;professionals who work with carers. ;Our trainers and consultants are leading experts in their fields. Carers UK provides the latest information on changes to policy and practice affecting carers.


Working across the UK Through our membership and networks of branches and affiliates, Carers UK is in touch with over half a million carers. ; Carers UK has a devolved structure. Carers Scotland, Carers Wales and Carers Northern Ireland determine priorities in their respective areas ;and ensure carers’ voices are clearly heard by the Scottish Parliament and the Assemblies of Northern Ireland and Wales. ;




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