Article par: admin

HR Uncertain of Retiring Baby Boomers’ Impact on Workplace

How will the retirement of the baby boom generation affect the workplace over the next seven years? Will the U.S. experience a worker shortage, or will there instead be a skills shortage and increased unemployment as organizations offshore jobs in search of cheaper skilled labor? The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) attempts to shed some light on these issues[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

Vers des Baby boomers moins égocentriques ?

Ces dernières années, la grande majorité des Baby boomers ont déclaré lors d’études que, à la différence de leurs parents, ils projetaient de travailler pendant leur retraite, ils avaient besoin de revenus réguliers et ils voulaient une plus grande flexibilité dans des « ;emplois de retraite ;». ; L’étude portant sur 1.000 américains, conduite par Princeton Survey Research Associates International[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Société

Alcatel, leader du projet de R&D européen Healthware pour le développement des services de télé-méde

Alcatel (Paris : CGEP.PA et NYSE : ALA) annonce aujourd’hui qu’il assurera la coordination du projet de recherche et de développement Healthware co-financé par la Commission Européenne. Ce projet, qui regroupe 19 partenaires au sein d’un consortium européen, a pour objectif de contribuer au développement des usages et solutions de télé-médecine par satellite, notamment sur la base des technologies DVB-RCS[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

Canada : le départ des Baby boomers : une opportunité pour les jeunes entrepreneurs

According to a study by Canadian Federation of Independent Business, 40% of small business owners plan to leave their companies within five years, and 70% within the next ten years. Three-quarters of those leaving are planning to retire. The potential impact on the economy is tremendous, with some two million Canadian jobs affected over the next five years. Unfortunately, more[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

Retiring Baby Boomers Create Opportunity for Young Entrepreneurs

According to a study by Canadian Federation of Independent Business, 40% of small business owners plan to leave their companies within five years, and 70% within the next ten years. Three-quarters of those leaving are planning to retire. The potential impact on the economy is tremendous, with some two million Canadian jobs affected over the next five years. Unfortunately, more[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

Les Baby boomers se sentent 10 ans plus jeunes

La notion populaire disant que « la cinquantaine est la nouvelle quarantaine » et « la quarantaine est la nouvelle trentaine » vient d’être réaffirmée par les baby-boomers lors d’un récent sondage national. En fait, 61 pour cent des gens de cette génération affirment qu’ils se sentent environ 10 ans plus jeunes que leur âge réel. ; Dans le sondage mené par les conseillers[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

About The New Medicare Drug Benefit

Pharmacists and their customers could benefit from having more information to help them understand and compare the costs of prescription drugs, according to a new AARP study that looks at attitudes and practices regarding the use of generic drugs. ; Most pharmacists agree that generic drugs must be therapeutically equivalent with brand name drugs, and most support generic substitution, the[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

AUS: Long Term Ageing is Today’s Policy Challenge

The Productivity Commission has highlighted the immediate challenges for governments posed by demographic trends, in its final report on the Economic Implications of an Ageing Australia. ; The study found that ageing pressures are about to accelerate as the baby boomer generation retires. Ageing will reduce economic growth at the same time that it intensifies demands for public services, such[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

AFRICA: Building Capacity in Healthcare for Older People

The International Federation on Ageing (IFA) in partnership with Pfizer Inc. and with the support of the Department Social Development, South African government launched a new and unique partnership project that aims to strengthen the capacity of NGOs in developing countries to access health care and service delivery for older people. ; ; Access to appropriate medical and care support[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

Growing Longevity Risk in Retirement Market

The potential for Baby Boomers to outlive their money in retirement has increased dramatically, creating great uncertainty for many, even as they live longer. According to a new study by Conning Research and Consulting, Inc., this market condition presents a prime opportunity for insurers to educate consumers about their longevity risk, and position their products and services as the best[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé