Article par: admin

AUS: Help for older people with disabilities to age at home

The Federal Minister for Ageing, Julie Bishop, today recognised the work of two pilot services that are helping older people with disabilities to remain living at home in their NSW communities. « Australia has one of the highest life expectancies in the world, and while this is one of the nation’s greatest success stories, it also brings challenges, » Ms Bishop said.[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

Tour du monde des villes « vieillissantes »

Tour du monde des villes « ;vieillissantes ;» ; Le monde vieillit rapidement. La population âgées augmente à un taux de 2% par an et d’ici 2050 il y aura plus de personnes de plus de 60 ans que de moins de 15 ans. ; Nulle part est la tendance plus prononcée que dans les pays développés, où l’espérance de[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

Improving Health and Health Care: What’s the Latest Research?

WHO: More than 2,300 leading health services researchers and policymakers from the U.S. and abroad attend the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM) to hear the latest research findings on critical health care delivery topics such as, Medicare, coverage & access, disparities, health information technology, long-term care, health care quality, and patient safety. ( ; Examples of the research to be[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

NZ: When the Baby Boomers Retire

Palmerston North’s Mayor is warning that when the baby boomers retire, there’ll be insufficient skilled people to take their place in the workforce. Heather Tanguay, who is a member of the Mayors’ Task Force for Jobs, is concerned that there are not enough young people interested in the various apprenticeship options available to them as school leavers. She says the[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

US: Continuing Fitness Launches Line of Equipment Designed for Mature Adults

By the year 2030, the number of mature adults in the U.S. is expected to double from 35 million to 70 million. And although countless studies have confirmed that exercise is the key to living a longer, healthier life, few of the country’s fitness leaders offer equipment that meets the unique physical needs of seniors. That has finally changed. ;[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

US: Wealthy retirees opt for fun in the sun

Well-heeled retirees often relocate to warmer climes in search of sunny skies and year-round golfing, but they also move to avoid paying higher taxes, says a University of Michigan economist. ; A new study by Joel Slemrod of Michigan’s Stephen M. Ross School of Business and colleague Jon Bakija of Williams College suggests that wealthy elderly people change their real[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

Mobi Click : ein simples mobiltelefon für Senioren und Seniorinnen

«Orange war am schnellsten, wir führen aber auch Gespräche mit Swisscom und Sunrise», sagt Peter Keller, PR-Manager von Mobi-Click, der Herstellerfirma des Seniorenhandys von Orange. Die einfachen Mobiltelefone haben kein Display und nur drei grosse, farbige Tasten, auf denen drei beliebige Nummern gespeichert werden können. So sind etwa Familiengehörige, der Arzt, die Nachbarin oder die Notrufzentrale mit einem Knopfdruck erreichbar,[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

Baby Boomers – Marketing to the « Me » Generation

Unless you’ve been in a dimly lit cavern for the past several decades, you know that « Baby Boomers » is the collective name given to the 76 million people born in the United States between the end of World War II and 1964. Often described as the largest, most knowledgeable and most fiscally influential demographic group in American history, their motto[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

Medicare Improves Access To Power Wheelchairs

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) today announced new national coverage criteria for mobility assistive equipment (MAE) including power wheelchairs and scooters. ; The new criteria, which are effective immediately, adopt a function-based determination of medical necessity. ; ; This determination looks at the ability of the beneficiary to safely accomplish mobility-related activities of daily living, such as[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

A ‘Smart’ Ankle Brace To Reduce Falls

One in three individuals over the age of 65 will fall in the next year. One fall in 200 will result in a broken hip. One-half of seniors who break a hip never regain their full degree of mobility, and one-quarter die within six months. Falls account for $26 billion in medical costs each year. ; Graduate engineering students working[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé