The number of people in Virginia’s work force age 65 or over increased by 24 percent from 1998 to 2002, the U.S. Census Bureau reported today. ; During this same period, the number in the work force that were under age 65 grew by only 3 percent. The analysis of Virginia’s older workers is based on the Local Employment Dynamics (LED) program <>. The report, A Profile of Older Workers in Virginia [PDF], highlights the age composition of the state’s work force, job gains and losses for older workers by industry, industries in which older workers are concentrated and their job stability and earnings. « With these new data we can see trends develop each quarter within a state or substate area, in what industries the changes occur and the characteristics of workers involved in the changes, » Census Bureau Director Louis Kincannon said. « These indicators give new insight into Virginia’s economy and how fluid and strong employment is in its communities. » Some highlights from the Virginia report: — In 2002, industries in which more than 1-in-5 workers were 55 or older included museums, galleries and gardens; apparel from fabrics and local and suburban transit. ; Each of these industries employed more

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