Marketing to Seniors and Other Observations (Partie 1/2) Cibler les Seniors dans le domaine de l’hôtellerie I’ve refined my thoughts on marketing to seniors, learned new things about interactive marketing, and given more thought to employee training and retention. This month’s column will touch on these subjects. At a recent convention there was an excellent session on marketing to seniors which brought out some things I had not thought about before. The first thing I learned was the concept of « cohort traits or likes ». Marketing to Cohorts Cohorts as you may know are groups or associates. Cohort traits include, among other things, a preference for a type of music. For example, I know many seniors like big band music from the thirties and forties. The Baby Boomers won’t suddenly start liking that music when they become seniors, they’ll prefer rock and roll or what ever they enjoyed during their formative years, Bottom line, many items which appeal to today’s seniors won’t appeal to seniors a decade from now. That’s not to say they won’t need some of the same features. Big alpha numeric characters to compensate for poor eyesight could probably be marketed just that way to today’s seniors, but

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