; ; ; WHO: ; ; ; The Automobile Club of Southern California, the Santa Monica Police Department and the Center for Healthy Aging ; WHAT: ; ; News conference and demonstration of the new, potentially lifesaving « CarFit » method that helps make senior citizens safe behind the wheel. Trained technicians and occupational therapists will lead seniors through a 12-point checklist with their vehicle and recommend car adjustments to make their cars « fit » better and enhance their safety. ; WHEN: ; ; Wednesday, June 15, 2005, 10 a.m. ; WHERE: ; Santa Monica Pier parking lot 1-North, adjacent to the pier. ; WHY: ; ; ; People over 65 are one of the fastest-rowing populations in California. Within 20 years, seniors will make up 17 percent of the state’s population, 6.5 million drivers. As a group, seniors are the safest drivers, but in later years, because of their physical frailty, seniors have the highest crash death rate per mile of everyone except teenagers. ; NOTE: ; ; Reporters will be able to interview senior mobility experts, older drivers and shoot b-roll of the « car fitting » process. ; Automobile Club of Southern CaliforniaPaul Gonzales or Carol Thorp, 714-885-2333 ; All of the

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