The potential for Baby Boomers to outlive their money in retirement has increased dramatically, creating great uncertainty for many, even as they live longer. According to a new study by Conning Research and Consulting, Inc., this market condition presents a prime opportunity for insurers to educate consumers about their longevity risk, and position their products and services as the best solution to manage that risk. ; « Some Baby Boomers have already entered early retirement, and others are fast approaching retirement age at a time when longevity risk could drastically reduce their ability to afford a lifestyle they dreamed about, » said Terence Martin, analyst at Conning Research & Consulting, Inc. ; « In the Boomer’s lifetime, there has been a substantial decrease in defined benefit pension plans, with little offsetting increase in personal savings or in educating the pre-retiree to effectively plan for their retirement. » ; The Conning Research study, « Changing Times in the Retirement Market: Growing Longevity Risk, Growing Opportunities, » presents financial issues facing future retirees, along with an assessment of the insurance industry’s product innovations, competitive positioning versus the mutual fund industry, and future opportunities. ; « Our study presents an actuarial balance sheet for the retiree, and analyzes the economics

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