La population des plus de 80 ans dans le Royaume Uni va passer de 2,5 millions en 2002 à 4,9 millions en 2031. Les projections à long terme indique que ce chiffre progressera pendant encore 20 ans de plus, pour atteindre un pic en 2050 avec 7 millions de personnes de plus de 80 ans ; The population aged 80 and over in the United Kingdom will grow from 2,5 million in 2002 to reach 4,9 millions by 2031. Longer-term population projections suggest a continuing increase for around a further 20 years, peaking in the early 2050s at nearly 7 million. ; This is one of the key results from the most recent population projections for the UK and its constituent countries. The projections, made by the Government Actuary, were bases on the estimated population at the middle of 2002 and were published in December 2003. ; The projections show that : ; The number of older people will increase significantly relative to the number of younger people, with the average (mean) age expected to rise from 39,3 years in 20002 to 43,6 years in 2031. ; The number of children aged under 16 is projected to fall by 7,4

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