What has a long shelf life and is worth approximately $32 billion? – New Zealands ‘booming’ grey generation! ;ACNielsen delivers a 360° view of the ageing Kiwi population ; The biggest demographic change of current times – the ageing Baby Boomer generation – is causing one of the most significant changes in consumer behaviour seen in this country, and ACNielsen has captured the implications of household size and structure, workforce participation, education and health in a recently published 360° view of New Zealand’s ageing generation. ; “Although it’s widely understood that New Zealand’s population is ageing, the behavioural characteristics of this demographic and the economic implications are less clear,” says Alistair Watts, Managing Director, ACNielsen New Zealand. “By integrating information drawn from our various New Zealand research businesses, we have built a profile that has broad implications for businesses and government.” ; In developing its report, ACNielsen New Zealand combined resources and expertise from across parent company VNU’s various research businesses. Additional in-depth syndicated, quantitative, and qualitative research and analysis was also conducted. ; Highlights On family and children: “Chain them up outside the supermarket!”*Lower fertility rates mean less demand for baby products, toys and educational products and services. And

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