The baby boom generation is reaching the height of its earning potential, and thus is an attractive target market for a variety of marketers. People aged 40 – 59 continue to grow strongly as a group online and, in fact, of all age groups showed the greatest rate of increase in internet access in 2004, according to Nielsen//NetRatings Netwatch. Below is a ranking of the top sites visited last week by New Zealanders aged between 40 and 59, ranked by the proportion of visitors in that age group. Boomers have a wide variety of interests online, including news and gardening, and it seems that leisure activities aren’t too far from their minds. The top sites visited by Baby boomers are,,,,,,,,, New Zealand’s population is steadily ageing as a result of the baby boom (1946 to 1965) being followed by a declining birth rate. As the baby boom generation has moved into adulthood, the median age for New Zealanders has increased from 25.8 years in 1966 to 33.0 years in 1996. As the figure shows, population projections suggest it will continue to rise as the baby boomers become the older population

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