Selon une étude conjointement menée par la « National Alliance for Caregiving » et l’association américaine AARP, près de 22.4 millions des ménages aux Etats-Unis, soit 1 sur 4 environ donnent des soins à un membre de leur famille ou un ami âgé de 50 ans ou plus, ou ont donné des soins au cours des douze derniers mois. An estimated 22.4 million U.S. households — nearly one in four — now are providing care to a relative or friend aged 50 or older or have provided care during the previous 12 months. So says a recent survey by the National Alliance for Caregiving and the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). Other surveys suggest that today’s Baby Boomers — adults born between 1946 and 1965 — likely will spend more years caring for a parent than for their children. If you’re 40 or older, you may be among this new generation of caregivers, which is dedicating enormous time, energy and spirit to ensure that aging loved ones are safe, secure and maintaining the best possible quality of life. And chances are you know firsthand the meaning of the term « Sandwich Generation »— used to describe the growing number of adult

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