Father Time is being held at bay by baby boomers that refuse to age or die broke. Baby boomers are interested in herbal nutrition supplement products and. Companies such as Waiora with Cellular Zeolite and Xango with Mangosteen Juice are two products that are turning baby boomers into « Health Boomers ». With approximately 14,000 per day turning 50, baby boomer health and retirement income needs are to be taken seriously. Whether it’s a natural headache remedy or mangosteen fruit benefits. Baby boomers can excel in areas of Home-Based-Business by providing the personalized customer service components that seem to be lost in an impersonal work place. Amangosteen business complete with tax benefits has many « Health Boomers » taking a second look at Home-Based-Business retirement options. According to author Paul Zane Pilzer “By the year 2010, an additional $1 trillion of the economy will be devoted to products and services that keep us healthy, make us look or feel better, slow down the effects of aging, and prevent diseases from developing altogether. » Many baby boomers who have lost jobs are finding themselves looking for the right job,unfortunately often at a much lower wage. Many are forced to find alternative ways to make a living

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