Are you a member of that unique generation — the Baby Boomers? ; If you are, conforming to the rules of society hasn’t always been your first priority! ; In fact you have shredded the rules and made society conform to your needs throughout your life. So, why should retirement be any different?   ;   Instead of rocking on the front porch will you be rocking around the world? As you look at your plans for the next 30 to 40 years what do you see? Will you be moving? Are you starting a new career or a new business? ; Are you writing a book or inventing that product you have been thinking about for years? Will you ski Vail or Park City, or travel to archeological digs in Peru? ; Have you considered mentoring high school students in your specialty or teaching night school? ; All in all, it is a given that the paths you choose for your retirement will be significantly different than those of your parents or even those of your friends in their 60’s.   ;   You have made life different for your generation and for the world as you rocked to

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