Article par: admin

1,3 milliards de chinois

1,3 milliards de chinois

La Chine est le pays le plus peuplé du Monde. Le nombre de chinois a atteint officiellement le chiffre de 1,3 milliards la semaine dernière. La Chine va compter 10 millions de personnes en plus chaque année dans l’avenir d’après les experts en démographie. Cependant, le gouvernement ne semble pas décidé à revoir sa politique de l’enfant unique en dépit[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Démographie

Vers un marketing spécifique pour les plus de 50 ans

Développer un marketing pour les plus de 50 ans est devenu de plus en plus nécessaire avec le vieillissement de la population. Ce dernier va représenter un changement considérable pour la société et les entreprises. Avec une croissance de 40% dans les 15 prochaines années, les plus de 55 ans vont représenter une opportunité unique de trouver des sources de[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Marketing

Frédéric Serrière : « Utiliser la presse Senior pour cibler les Seniors, oui mais attention… »

Une récente étude française portant sur 3000 personnes indique que la presse Senior est un bon moyen pour cibler les plus de 65 ans. Cependant la présence d’annonces dites anxiogènes pourrait représenter un risque pour les autres produits. L’étude menée sur 3000 Seniors révèle deux problèmes pour la presse dite Senior. Les publicités pour le « 4ème âge » sont[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

Senior Market is growing

Senior Market ;is growing. While the diversity of baby boomers grows increasingly apparent as they age — given an 18-year generational span and they still stand together in some ways, with clearly defined preferences and opinions that distinguish them from other Americans. As detailed in « American Demographics » magazine, these generalized characteristics include:   ;   – ; They are more[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

Baby Boomers – Now Shredding the Rules for Retirement

Are you a member of that unique generation — the Baby Boomers? ; If you are, conforming to the rules of society hasn’t always been your first priority! ; In fact you have shredded the rules and made society conform to your needs throughout your life. So, why should retirement be any different?   ;   Instead of rocking on[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

Des bateaux de croisière comme maisons de retraite

As many baby boomers approach retirement and are starting to research long-term care solutions, new research indicates cruises may be a viable alternative to assisted living facilities. Lee Lindquist, an instructor in geriatric medicine at Northwestern University, says she was inspired to study the matter after recently taking a cruise with her parents… LINDQUIST: There was a lot of the[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Grand âge

The Baby boomers in US

Many fortunes have been made by following the « baby boomer » generation – the post-war avalanche of Americans born between 1946 and 1964 – as it matures. After all, it was this 76 million-strong segment that bought hula hoops and Frisbees in the 1950s, crowded colleges in the 1960s and sent the price of housing soaring in the 1970s and 1980s.[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

Who are the Baby boomers ?

While the diversity of baby boomers grows increasingly apparent as they age — given an 18-year generational span and they still stand together in some ways, with clearly defined preferences and opinions that distinguish them from other Americans. As detailed in « American Demographics » magazine, these generalized characteristics include:   ;   – ; They are more likely than either younger[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

Mature talents of employees could help your business

As the average age of Americans increases, more and more of the people you employ and do business with will be older. How you communicate with this maturing population, and how successfully you address the issues and concerns with which they are dealing, may play a significant role in your overall bottom line.   ;   On the employee side[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

World : Aging Research Expert Predicts Half of Baby Girls Born Today Will Reach 100

Experts in longevity science disagree on predictions for life-span in the 21st century. Will we continue to grow older or will life-span begin to shorten? In a revealing interview just released today on, James Vaupel, Ph.D., of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, discusses his research on negative senescence and the plasticity of longevity. In the interview, Dr.[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé