Article par: admin

Aujourd’hui, quels sont les problèmes liés à l’âge ?

Une détérioration progressive de l’état de santé Le nombre d’affections déclarées s’accroît sensiblement avec l’âge. Aussi les personnes âgées ont-elles un taux de recours aux soins de plus en plus fréquent, tant en soins de ville qu’à l’hôpital. Les problèmes liés aux chutes et à l’ostéoporose ainsi que les problèmes de démence sont quant à eux spécifiques aux âges élevés.[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

Une augmentation des personnes âgées dépendantes d’ici 2040

L’augmentation de la part des personnes les plus âgées au sein de la population au cours des dernières décennies est liée à deux facteurs : la baisse de fécondité et la baisse de mortalité aux âges élevés. Même si la perte d’autonomie n’est pas inéluctable, la forte augmentation à venir du nombre de personnes très âgées fait, de la prise[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Grand âge, High Tech

US: Traveling Solo is a Popular Trend

An overwhelming majority of Americans see the benefits of traveling solo, but there is still a stigma attached to doing it, for women in particular, according to a new survey from Fodor’s Travel Publications. A nationally representative survey of approximately 1,000 people conducted for Fodor’s by Roper Public Affairs found that a whopping four in 10 Americans have traveled alone[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

IBM and Accessibility Solutions

IBM introduced a range of solutions and developers’ tools that open up the Worldwide Web and other information technology to the aging workforce and people with disabilities at its annual PartnerWorld Conference. This portfolio of accessibility technologies enables ISVs/developers to make web sites and IT systems accessible and, further underscores IBM’s commitment to providing information technology that everyone can use.[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

More years in poor health?

The accompanying chart is food for thought. Quoting the increasing life expectancy stats is a good way of getting people’s attention about the 50+. You live longer hence have more years to be a consumer – great ! This data, from the UK’s Government statistics department shows the increase in life expectancy and the increase in healthly life expectancy –[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

Not segmenting the Seniors target is risky, as much as using a “miraculous recipe” is.

The topic of segmenting Seniors target has been discussed for a long time in the US. Many research results have been proposed by experts, especially in this country, and have been used by actors of the market.   Once different kinds of segmentation are defined, which one should be used?   Let’s talk about segmentation in the US, where they[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

US: More Seniors Use Technology to Stay Connected

Recent study shows Internet use by mature adults up 6 percent (age 50-64); 9 percent (age 65+) Technology has become a critical means for older adults to stay connected and find the information they need. A February 2005 National Survey of Seniors’ Attitudes on Technology found that seniors are embracing technology in growing numbers. The survey of 750 adults age[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

CANADA: CARP voices concern over drug policies for seniors

Speaking on behalf of seniors in Ontario, CARP is very concerned that the Ontario government may be implementing drug pricing policies including Reference-Based Pricing (RBP) or Maximum Allowable Cost (MAC) pricing for Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs), a class of drugs used for the treatment of gastro-intestinal diseases, including severe heartburn and ulcers. Government imposed drug pricing policies will harm seniors[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

INDIA: Population growth of Senior Citizens

The National Policy of Older Persons of 1999 outlined the fact that improved life expectancy has contributed to an increase in the number of persons 60+ from only 12 million persons in India in 1901, the number crossed 20 million in 1951 and 57 million in 1991. Population projections for 1996-2016 indicate that the 100 million mark is expected to[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé

La prise en charge des personnes âgées : un enjeu crucial pour les français

La prise en charge des personnes âgées est une préoccupation importante de l’opinion française. Les interrogations et les enjeux qui en découlent montrent une population française concernée, impliquée et à l’écoute de ce fait de société, c’est ce que révèle l’enquête exclusive menée par TNS SOFRES pour la FHF. On n’est pas vieux avant 83 ans ! Pour 80% des[Lire…]

Par 16/05/2015 Non classé