Seniors in your community may be targets of financial charlatans. I’ve received a number of disturbing reports recently from seniors about the abusive tactics of some advisors. Their actions are not only unethical, but they border on the criminal. Seniors in your community may be targets of financial charlatans. I’ve received a number of disturbing reports recently from seniors about the abusive tactics of some advisors. Their actions are not only unethical, but they border on the criminal. You must be aware of these despicable tactics so you and your nest egg are protected.A charlatan is defined as one who attracts customers with deceptive tricks. They look for easy marks and quick profit. Equity Indexed Annuities have a high commission and a sales pitch that is enticing to risk-averse seniors, so they are often used by these shady advisors. Even though I am against Equity Indexed Annuities, I do not believe that everyone who sells them is a charlatan. Many advisors are trying to offer an investment that they believe is in their client’s best interest. There are a large number of advisors, though, who are unscrupulously taking advantage of their client’s trust.Warning 1: Any advisor who recommends 100% of

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