Ben Stein is on a mission. As honorary chairperson of the National Retirement Planning Coalition (NRPC), he wants all Americans to understand that they hold the key to the quality of their retirement. « Let’s face it, most of us would rather do just about anything than work on our retirement plans. But the reality is, if everyone does not take it on as a personal priority, it will never get done, » said Stein. « I can’t stress enough how important it is for all Americans to begin planning today for their financial futures, making sure they will have enough retirement income to last as long as they do. » According to Stein, there are a few basic retirement planning guidelines that will help Americans unlock the door to a financially secure retirement: — Think about your « retirement horizon » — Today many retirees will retire earlier and live in retirement longer than their parents did. A retirement of 20 years or more is becoming more and more common. This longer « retirement horizon » means that your retirement income will have to last longer and go farther, particularly if you plan on living an active retirement lifestyle. — Plan for income — Social Security was

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