Open Dialogue Inc. launches the conference “Marketing to Baby Boomers “ at the National Trade Center of Toronto on December, 1 & 2 2004 : Marketing and advertising dollars in recent years have been focused on targeting young consumers. By 2010, consumer spending by baby boomers will be $1 trillion dollars higher than spending by those aged 18 and 44. But on what? And what should your business do about it now? This conference will show you how to talk to boomers if you want their business, ideas on what products and services may boom and how some companies are reaping the rewards of this powerful consumer. To attend this conference, please visit NEWSLETTER Recevez chaque semaine la newsletter AgeEconomie   EMISSION LE GRAND ENTRETIEN Le site de l'émission (vidéos et replays)   SERVICES POUR LES ENTREPRISES SUR LE MARCHE DES SENIORS Réaliser une étude marché Développer (ou redresser) une activité Senior Obtenir un avis rapide (Gratuit*) Bénéficier d'un coaching / mentoring (court et long terme) Vous former (présentiel ou en ligne) Vous faire connaître des autres acteurs de la Silver économie Organiser et booster son webinaire Identifiez et rencontrez les « bons » partenaires [Mises en relation] Conférences

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