As the elderly population skyrockets to more than 36 million this year, caring for them is becoming an ever more critical issue. According to a survey(1) released by ADT Security Services, Inc., a unit of Tyco Fire & Security, 43 percent of baby boomers who care for an elderly relative say their top concern is that an accident or illness could leave their loved one without help for hours. To meet the growing needs of caregivers and their loved ones, ADT has launched QuietCare Plus(SM), a first-of-its-kind 24-hour monitoring service that utilizes motion sensors to unobtrusively check on a loved one’s safety and health. With 10 million senior citizens living alone in the United States today, millions of their adult children are balancing the stress and expense of elder care with the challenges of raising their own families. According to the ADT survey, 31 percent of respondents said caring for an elderly loved one was « extremely stressful, » 23 percent said they missed time with children, family and friends, while 14 percent reported taking time off work to fulfill their care-giving responsibilities. In addition, the survey revealed that 39 percent devote more than 15 hours per week to caring for a

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