Une nouvelle chaîne de magasins « ;santé ;» sous le nom de « Eq-life ;» va voir le jour aux USA. Lancée par Best Buy CO. elle va cibler principalement les plus de 50 ans. ; Best Buy Co., the largest U.S. merchant of consumer electronics, plans early next year to try its hand at a new retail concept: a health, wellness and technology store. ; Eighteen months in the making, Best Buy’s new entity called Eq-life will combine several « lifestyle » elements at an 18,000-square-foot shop at Southdale Square in Richfield, Minn. The store will include nutritional supplements, exercise merchandise, personal-care products, some consumer electronics, and print and digital information on health-related topics. ; Other key features of the first Eq-life (whose name is derived from the words equilibrium and lifestyle) will include a spa salon and a pharmacy, said Eq-life spokeswoman Sue Lee. PrairieStone Pharmacy and Park Nicollet Health Services are key strategic partners who will be part of the Eq-life store, she added. ; Best Buy wants to see if it can tap into an estimated $300 billion annual health-and-wellness retailing industry spread across pharmacies, supermarkets, and sporting goods and health stores. ; Lee contended that Best Buy’s

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