A report issued by a newly-formed coalition exposes serious care problems for seniors and people with disabilities at Pima County nursing homes. Nursing home residents, their family members, staff and advocates are calling on state and county government officials to address these problems and hold local nursing homes accountable to a safer level of care. The report finds a variety of problems with the nursing home inspection system and makes recommendations for improvements. “It’s time to clean up Tucson nursing homes, to make sure our most vulnerable citizens are safe and well cared-for,” said Anita Royal, Public Fiduciary for Pima County. Lax enforcement has made it possible for some nursing home operators to severely lower the quality of care and safety. The report, “Are Our Seniors Safe? A Report on Quality Problems in Pima County Nursing Homes” reveals that Arizona nursing homes lag far behind national patient quality standards. Statewide, Arizona homes receive more patient care violations than the national average, and staff below national averages. In particular, the report exposes three homes owned by The Ensign Group as having some of Pima County’s most troubled patient care. The Ensign Group, a large out-of-state for-profit chain, is one of the

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