By 2008 the entire baby boomer generation will be over 50, making it the largest and most powerful demographic group in our society. In Australia, the boomers hold more than two-fifths of Australia’s household wealth. So why on earth is everyone still obsessed with the 18 to 24 year old demographic? As the baby boomers slip into their 50s they look set to revolutionize the whole meaning of retirement—just as they have led other social revolutions throughout their lives. Baby boom heroes such as Bowie, Dylan, Jagger, Page and Plant are all heading toward the great performer’s lounge in the sky, and it’s hard to imagine them, or the fans who jostled to get front row at their concerts, slipping into their woolly slippers and leaving their false teeth to soak before tucking in for a late one at 9 pm. Older consumers used to be categorized as a single group called “senior citizens.” Over time they have been labeled in a slightly more positive light: Silver Foxes, Third-agers or Third-mooners. It’s perceptions not buzz words that need to change. Why is it marketers split the youth market into dozens of segments, yet turn around and treat millions of mature

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